The Angry Hillbilly Ride?

Last night, my wife Kathy and I rode with the A Town Rumblers ( They are the local scooter club here in Albany NY. Originally, it was formed, in part to raise money for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).  Last year my wife found the group after she bought her scooter. We have a daughter with Type 1 diabetes, so she rode in her first A Town Rumble, a fundraiser to support JDRF to help find a cure. At the time I did not have a motorcycle license or a scooter, so I did not participate. I did join the group in September when I bought my first scooter.

Now for last night's ride, the Anrgy Hillbilly,  it started out from Guptill's Ice Cream and traveled up Route 9 to southern Saratoga County and to the flight of locks in Waterford, finishing at the Cohoes Falls.  So why the name "The Angry Hillbilly," I don't want to give the whole story away but it involves an individual a few group members encountered while exploring an area around the flight of locks in Waterford. A great story that will be told if you attend the 2015 edition of the A Town Rumble. 

This year's A Town Rumble is July 10-12, again, the proceeds raised supports JDRF. Prior events have been a one day affair but this year the group decided to expand it for an entire weekend.  The group has several rides lined up and they are also lining up entertainment for the weekend. There are rooms available for attendees at a local motel. All details can be found at website. 


Sunset Flight of Locks Waterford NY

Sunset Flight of Locks Waterford NY

I hope you Enjoy! 

Sunset at the Locks Waterford NY

Sunset at the Locks Waterford NY

One was my favorite! Remember mobile device.