Wedding Photography Registry Explained.

Last week Spindle City Studio announced our new Gift Registry for Wedding Photography. Today I wanted to talk about some of the details. Who is it for? How does it work? I hope that by the end of this post you will see their true value and why they are so popular.

So who are they for? The short answer is everyone! Many photographer use them to help clients pay for wedding services.  Registries are great to help couples lessen the financial burden on them as they start a new life together. But they can be for any couple even those who are not looking for help with wedding costs. They are great for couples that have the money for the wedding but thinks it would be nice to add some wedding albums or large prints to their package. And couples who are entering into a second marriage and does not need the standard registry for their home. Finally, many couples are just looking for unique gift giving ideas for their guests. 

How does it work? After our initial consultation you may want to add this service. There is no additional cost and no obligations for any extra items. We will send you a link to the registry where you will be asked to select the items you want to include in the registry. Yes, you may include the entire photography cost to it. Understand that the couple is only responsible for the creative pricing of the wedding photography. You will also be asked to write a short greeting for your guest, and an optional “Tell us your story.” We also would like you to upload an image for the page. Or better yet we can add an image we took of your engagement shoot.

We then create a personalized site that you control who will receive the links. As gifts start to come in we update your registry, so you can see how you are doing. We also send you confirmation when we receive a gift for you. When someone makes a gift for you they receive a message thanking them. Since you decide how the gifts are applied you receive the items you absolutely want in the end.

By now you see why photography registries are so popular. They give you another option for gift giving for your guest. They also provide you with the most meaningful gifts that you will cherish for a lifetime. Spindle City Studio makes using our registry risk free. Again, the service is free of charge and there's no obligations to purchase any ala carte items. The Couple is only responsible for the creative charges of the wedding photography.